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Will you please consider partnering with PTLB 

Relationship Essentials ?

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Couples in Crisis

It is our experience that 70% of married couples are moderately to severely stressed. Offering true biblical counseling, along with earnest prayer, God can heal, create unity, and bring hope. Over half of the couples requesting counseling cannot afford the minimal donation we request. Your gift of any amount can bridge this gap. Will you help us continue to provide counseling for couples in crisis?


The Leadership Challenge

Many pastors are struggling to take their churches to the next level because they cannot afford or find the leaders they need. PTLB provides experienced, seasoned leaders to come alongside churches to provide staff alignment, staff development, and ministry development. Our unique approach using embedded coaches saves churches thousands of dollars annually by providing mature, experienced, next-level leadership without having to hire additional, full-time staff. Coming along-side staff and leadership is also much more effective than most consulting models. Will you help us to build up smaller and mid-sized churches and fill in the leadership gaps necessary for churches to serve out their God-given mission?


Single Adults

BRIDGES SACRAMENTO is a regional community for single adults launched by PTLB in the spring of 2016. Bridges is open to single adults regardless of home church (or no church). We have people from over 30 churches in the greater Sacramento area represented. We are a dynamic community of single adults of all ages and all life stages who desire to connect with God and others in a deeper way.


Many know there is something more to connecting with God than what they have experienced. And there is more to relationships than Internet dating websites. Let’s be honest, we are meant to experience life in community. Our desire is to create a safe, friendly, and healthy environment that single adults and their families can thrive in. We are committed to helping single adults live God-honoring lives and truly need regular support to build up this dynamic, life-changing ministry. Will you help us help single adults to develop healthy relationships with God and others?


BRIDGES Sacramento meets weekly on Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and is hosted by Life Community Church, 10020 Foothills Blvd., Roseville, CA. Free childcare is available for toddlers - 5th grade.


Relationship Essentials Radio Programming

In October of 2017, we began a weekly radio/Facebook Live show called Relationship Essentials with one simple goal: that every listener would hear just one thing that would help them improve a significant relationship in their life. This affords us the opportunity to provide life-changing insights for people throughout the region. With a divorce rate close to 70% and so many struggling in relationships of all kinds, we believe that by teaching biblical principles that actually help people improve relationships, they might move closer to Jesus and join a local church. We air on 105.5 FM and Michael Baggett’s Facebook page LIVE on Fridays at 4 p.m. The program is re-broadcasted Sundays at 2 p.m.



PTLB plans to develop video curriculum that Michael wrote and has used for years in Singles’ Ministry. Relationship Essentials has helped over 1,000 single adults experience true transformation and obedience to Christ in how they form and live out relationships.

How You Can Help

Partner with PTLB in helping to transform lives in our region by providing prayer and financial support. Your tax-deductible donation of any amount is appreciated greatly. Checks can be made payable to Principles To Live By (with “Essentials” in the note) and mailed to:  PTLB, P.O. Box 214, Roseville, CA 95661. Or you can donate online using your PayPal account or credit card. Relationship Essentials is a ministry of PTLB, a 501(c)(3) organization. 


Please note: We are also able to receive stocks, bonds, and mutual funds in donation. Your tax preparer can help you plan donation of appreciated securities in order to avoid capital gains taxes and maximize the value of your charitable donation.


Thank you! Please feel free to call or email your questions, comments, or suggestions. 


Email Michael Baggett

Principles to Live By

P.O. Box 214

Roseville, CA  95661

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All donations are tax deductible

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