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Our life is made up of five sets of Vibrant Relationships.


The strength or weakness of our relationships determines the joy, sorrow, fulfillment, or misery of our life. God has given us the basic principles for having vibrant health in each of our relationships. This ministry is dedicated to the development of people who use God’s PRINCIPLES TO LIVE BY. We don’t need any more quick fixes that don’t work, or distractions that anesthetize the pain. We need to know how to repair damaged relationships and how to build great relationships throughout all our life.

Relationship 1God / Church

Seminars and Resources

Delighting in God Seminar


There is a danger in most discussions of spiritual warfare. It is the danger of talking way too much about the Devil and not enough about God. The greatest weapon that the Christian has against the designs of the Devil is God Almighty. All that He says, does, and is allows us to have any victory over the ravages of the devourer (1 Peter 5:8). I am hopeful that this little volume will put our focus where it should be in all issues of Spiritual Warfare: on God first and foremost. In this book you will begin a more in-depth exploration of the Living God. You will discover that He is an infinite, self-existent spirit who acts in amazing ways with delightful consequences for you. Do not miss going deeper in your understanding and joy in God. God calls you to delight in Him (Psalm 37:4) and live an abundant life (John 10:10). The spiritual warrior needs to focus on the Lord God Almighty and not the Devil. The spiritual warrior has been invited into a relationship of delight and joy with the Ancient of Days. It is this relationship that must occupy his or her focus, not the evil that the Devil can seduce people to commit. King David tells us that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4). If our desire is to release the captives from the snare of the Devil, then we should begin to delight in God at a higher level (2 Timothy 2:24-26).


Raising Your Leadership Level Seminar


Wouldn’t it be great if you could help twice as many people or help people go twice as far as they currently are in their spiritual life? Most of us believe we could handle a much larger or deeper ministry but for some reason it is not happening. Most of us were trained to minister to people but we were never trained on how to lead ministry. We are doing all we know but we are stuck and we do not know how to release the full potential of our ministry. Dr. Gil Stieglitz has worked with Christian leaders of all types and varieties and he has found that most ministry leaders have twice as much leadership capacity as they are currently showing. This material is so powerful that it usually allows a ministry to double in size and/or depth in two years. Dr. Gil says, “If I can coach the leaders in the key systems and they key skills it just unlocks a whole new level of ministry.”

Relationship 2 - Personal Development /Spiritual Warfare

Seminars and Resources

Basic Spiritual Warfare Seminar


We must understand that we are in a spiritual war, the purpose of which is to influence, afflict, and even control us. God, however, has a great plan for our lives (John 10:10)—lives of significance and meaning, lives full of healthy relationships. But we must be active in choosing to use the gifts, blessings, and benefits that he has given us in Christ.  We are fortunate because the Scriptures tell us the names of our enemies!


Mission Possible: Winning the Battle over Temptation


It is amazing how many people believe that it is not possible to keep your mind pure in today's world. There is too much sensuality; too much pornography; too much immorality. But this is not true. In this hard hitting but practical seminar Dr. Gil Stieglitz gives real answers on how to develop and maintain a pure mind. We can take control of our minds, our eyes, our bodies and our manhood. It is not too late to resist temptation and learn to become real men. This seminar is for the man who has been looking for ways to beat back the hold that temptation has on his life. This seminar offers a practical, proven way to really help me who are struggling with temptation or are already caught in sexual sin. This seminar details specific Biblical projects to win against temptation and enjoy a new level of mental and emotional clarity.


Secrets of God's Armor Seminar


God does not give us theories in Scripture. He tells us how to live in a dynamic and restful way (Matthew 11:28-30). The same is true when it comes to God’s Armor revealed in Ephesians 6:10-18, but so often we have missed what God was really saying. We get lost in an analysis of Roman military equipment. There is a subtle danger in associating too closely the spiritual armor with the Roman armor. We can believe that the spiritual weapon will act in the same way and with the same limitations as the Roman pieces of armor. But each of the spiritual pieces of armor is powerful way beyond any comparison to belts, shields, swords, and the like.


We examine what the heroes of the faith (Job, David, Peter, Paul, Moses, etc., and most importantly Jesus) actually did when they encountered the Devil. What they did perfectly matches the pieces of God’s Armor but only after you look past the Roman military metaphor and see the actual spiritual weapon. The heroes of the faith challenged the strategies of the Devil with truth, righteous actions, strategies of peace, God-designed risk, daring ways of escape, whispers of God’s Word, specific prayers, and feedback-corrected actions. And they won over and over again with these simple but powerful spiritual weapons. 



Relationship 3 - Marriage / Family

Seminars and Resources

God's Plan for Husbands and Wives Seminar

Since God invented marriage it would make sense that He would have the best plan for making it work. What he asks can only be described as radical. Hundreds of marriages have been saved and transformed by looking at what God actually says to do. God asks husbands to do things that are completely different than He asks of wives. Wouldn’t you like to know what God thinks you should do to make your marriage work at a whole new level? 


God tells husbands in the Scriptures to do seven different things to demonstrate love for their wives. These seven different things are the way that most wives describe what it means to love them. Once you begin to learn about God’s radical plan, it becomes clear that this is not how a man would describe what it means to love them. This seminar will help you remember these seven commands by making them a part of the acrostic H.U.S.B.A.N.D.


God's R.A.D.I.C.A.L. Plan for Wives shows wives how to clearly and effectively communicate their needs to their husbands. It explains how a wife can draw her husband into a participation in a great marriage, even when he may be distant or over-involved at work.


Marital Intelligence Seminar

Based on thousands of hours of counseling and watching hundreds of marriages be saved, Dr. Gil Stieglitz says there are only five problems in marriage. Using a unique counseling tool, Dr. Gil can help a couple, within the first session, diagnose their marital problems and how to focus their attention on the right areas to work on. Come and learn this diagnostic tool and the biblical solutions that come with it.  

Relationship 4 - Work / Money / Society

Seminars and Resources

Relationship 5 - Friends / Enemies

Seminars and Resources

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Please contact us if you would like information and/or to schedule us to come talk about these Principle To Live By topics at your seminar, conference, or meeting.

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