Haven't you always wanted to experience God in a deeper, more real way?
You can do that through worship and praise.
The more you can praise God, the more deeply you can experience His presence in your life. Unfortunately, most believers run out of things to pray about after five minutes. This book will prompt you with enough things to pray and praise God about to last 40 days.You will learn more about God and experience more of Him in prayer.
You can go on this adventure in prayer as an individual, with a small group, or with your whole church. This easy-to-use guide helps the average person understand the classic biblical definition of God and turn those into praise, thanksgiving, and awe. This is the book that many have been waiting for. Go beyond the twenty minutes of singing in a church service. Push into God's presence.
Touching the Face of God: 40 Days of Adoring God
Available in paperback.