Did you know that God wants your B.M.W.? I’m not addressing a car; rather, I am thinking of a much deeper commitment. B.M.W. is an acronym to help us remember God cares that we worship Him with our Body, our Mind, and our Will.
First, you and I are to worship God with our BODIES. On the heels of God’s great grace in the book of Romans, chapters 1-11, Paul exclaims in Romans 12:1, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your BODIES (emphasis mine) as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” Paul the apostle understood sacrifice. Eric Liddell used his running as a way to feel the pleasure of God. Derek Carr plays football so that he can make a lasting and positive impact on our world. Using our bodies in ways that please God is an act of worship. My friend, does God have your body? If we are to be a living sacrifice, then it behooves us to offer our body to a God-honoring lifestyle.
Second, you and I are to worship God with our MINDS. Paul says in Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind....” The world wants to mold you and your mind into its thinking. It wants to capture your affections. It wants to feed you cotton candy pleasures that won’t last. But God wants you to mold your mind to the truth of God’s Word. Our loving Father desires for us to stimulate our thoughts with the beauty and nature of Christ, and focus our distracted minds on Jesus.
Third, you and I are to worship God with our WILL. The apostle Paul writes in the rest of verse 2, “The will of God is good . . . acceptable, and perfect.” Does God have your will? Your “will” is what you choose every day. Have you determined what you will be stubborn about? What are your non-negotiables in life? Who do you worship?
Let me encourage you with what Paul writes. Worship Jesus Christ by offering Him your Body, Mind, and Will (your B.M.W.). Buckle your seatbelt. You will not regret it. Make a daily decision to trust God’s good will.
Thank you for joining me! I'm excited to join the PTLB team as a life coach, speaker, consultant, and blogger. I partner with parents and encourage/train their children spiritually, emotionally, mentally, academically, and athletically, so we can develop the strengths and champion in their child in Jr. High, high school, college, and life. I look forward to writing more articles for Life Is Relationships in the coming weeks. If you would like to connect with me, feel free to reach out to info@ptlb.com.
In Him,
Rick Hoppe
P.S. If you are looking for encouragement and a tool to refresh your soul, check out my 52-week devotional, Refuel Your Soul. You can order it by clicking HERE.
P.S.S. Want more of Life Is Relationships? See past articles by clicking HERE.

52 Weeks of Encouragement and Refreshment for Your Soul!
We all need constant encouragement to refresh our soul daily. Refuel Your Soul: 52 Weeks of Encouragement is a renewing and hope-filled book written by life coach, speaker, consultant, and pro-tennis player, Rick Hoppe. It provides weekly refreshment for your heart and daily doses of powerful scriptural study. Perfect for a daily devotional, weekly small-group study, women’s study, men’s monthly meetings, or a 365-day dose of refreshment, Refuel Your Soul has been designed to resolve your need for daily hope and direction in an easy-to-read, colloquial manner. Topics include God’s perspective on family, friendships, marriage, and parenting, character development, life direction and purpose, and cultural influence.Paced with 52 dynamic devotions and 365 days of thought-provoking, refreshing questions, this book promises to nourish your soul continually with the empowerment of Jesus Christ. Refuel Your Soul is guaranteed to be a spring of spiritual refreshment and encouragementthroughout the year.