Sermons, Free Audio, and Handouts
Dr. Gil is available for seminars, retreats, and speaking engagements. Contact us for details.
Deep Happiness: The 8 Secrets
Gil’s topic today is on how to develop "Deep Happiness." There are 8 keys or qualities that happy people have. This sermon series explores 3 touch questions we all must ask ourselves to allow God to transform us into the joy-filled people He wants us to be.
Sermon #1—Have you ever asked God, "What in the world are you doing?"
Sermon #2—How do I increase the blessing of God in my life?
Sermon #3—Special Father's Day edition on the Beatitudes
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Sermon 1
Sermon 2
Sermon 3
A Forgotten Piece of God's Armor
Satan is alive and well, attacking people on earth today. He has the ability to amplify worries, questions, desires, and discouragements into huge problems. These can become life-swallowing issues if we don't know how to fight back (1 Peter 5:8; Ephesians 4:26). In this sermon, we will remind ourselves of the weapons of righteousness, one of many kinds of biblical gifts that God provides for us. We'll explore one that most have never seen in the pages of Scripture. What you learn could be the difference between victory or defeat.
Spiritual Warfare - A Forgotten Piece of God's Armor
Sermons and Messages by Gil Stieglitz
Antidotes for Anger
Finding the Will of God
How do I get God to talk back?
Overwhelmed with Doubt
Quit Falling Over the Same Temptation
Reaching My Neighbor for Christ
Where are the Answers to Prayer?
What in the World is God Doing?
Trial by Fire
Dining with the Devil