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Breakfast with Solomon - Proverbs 25:27

Dr. Stieglitz

"It is not good to eat much honey, nor is it glory to search out one's own glory"

This whole chapter is about pride, ego, glory. The leader will swell with pride because of the people who are following. But the leader who allows the wicked to hang around will not be steadfast in what is right. The leader who is full of pride will constantly want to divert attention to themselves instead of acknowledging God's prior involvement in whatever they have accomplished.

While it is exciting to have others tell you how wonderful you have been, it will make you ill if you keep seeking this kind of thing for your regular diet. Doing vanity searches on the Internet and digging for what people think of you is a counterproductive process.

Don't puff yourself out in the midst of leadership; just lead well.

Until tomorrow,

Gil Stieglitz

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