All of us have been stuck in various parts of our lives before, whether our romantic life, work life, or financial life. Somehow, we know this part of our life could be better, but for some reason, we just keep repeating the same behaviors, all the while expecting a different result. In essence, we are stuck.
A long time ago, I found myself stuck and I couldn't find my way out of that place. Part of the problem was that I was blaming others for why opportunities weren't coming my way, and while that was true, that kind of thinking did not help me at all. I was reading a book that promised to help me go from where I was to where I wanted to go. The book was written by a Christian, but it was really a business/ personal development book. I was absolutely electrified by the content! This book put me in touch with the biblical ideas that I needed to understand if I was to break out of the rut I was digging for myself. As I began to do the exercises and ideas, things began to change in amazing ways that can only be described as miraculous. The further I looked at the content of the book, the more I saw the scriptural verses that each idea was based on. I wrote the verses in the margins of the book to remind me. Yes, there were a few ideas in the book that had no biblical basis, so I ignored those. But when I applied the Bible and the power of God to the area of my life that was stuck, it opened up, and I was able to move on. I want to help you have the same experience that I had happen for you. Since I don't want you to have to wonder if the ideas are based upon biblical ideas, I will show you the verses in Scripture where they come from.
I believe so many of us are living way below the life that God wants for us. I have found that the affirming biblical truths and doing exercises to move these principles into our lives allows God to move us much further toward His plan for us (Eph 2:10). Life is not wasted when we listen to God and do life His way, we can be rest assured.
You see, following God's principles sets you on an adventure that goes beyond what you can do on your own. It is a different life, but it is wonderful! I admit that the more I apply God's principles, the more I am walking on water in many areas of my life as God leads me into and through adventures that are beyond me. I could never have imagined all the things that God is currently doing in my life from when I first started following Him. Most people who follow God do not go into full-time ministry; they just manifest God's love, guidance, and power in business, government, home, hospital, or society in general.
Sometimes, when I start speaking about how God maximizes life through His principles, people think I am talking about money or material wealth. It is pretty clear in Scripture that God thinks real wealth is relational wealth, not material wealth (Matt 22:37-39). There is nothing wrong with being wealthy if you are generous and use it righteously, but there can also be troubles that come with it (1 Tim 6). God has given wealth to many of His servants, so that they can be a river of grace to others (e.g., Job, Abraham, David, Nicodemus). But it's relational health we're after here.
Ready to get unstuck? Are you with me? Here we go.
Affirmation #1: God is for us and not against us in every area of life.
The first affirmation which moves us from stuck to transformed is fully believing that God is for us and not against us in every area of life (Rom 8:31-33). If we are going to move out of a place of difficulty to a brighter future, we must believe that place exists. God has told us throughout the Scriptures that He does in fact love us, has a wonderful plan for us, and wants to bring salvation to the whole of our life (John 3:16; John 10:10; Rom 8:31-33).
What is interesting is that people have heard this so much that they have stopped really embracing it. We believe that God is for us in some vague, spiritual way that is not really very helpful in the real world. When we look at what God is really telling us through His Scriptures, we find out that His sending of His Son and giving of good gifts demonstrates that He is the God of all of life, and that this life and the next are His concern. He wants us to live a righteous life that evidences His activity, called glorifying in Christian talk.
Take a minute to examine the areas of your life that could use a miracle from God. Is it your:
Spiritual life: God & Conscience?
Family life: Marriage & Family?
Business life: Work and Finances?
Personal life: Body and Soul?
Social life: Friends & Enemies?
Societal life: Church and Community?
What would a righteous life look like in each of these areas? What will it take to get there? God is for you in each of these areas and wants to help you get unstuck. We'll begin this new series, Transformed: Getting from Stuck to Unstuck, where I will help you discover how to let Jesus loose in your life to bring salvation, deliverance, and love to each of these areas.
Join me next week as I uncover affirmation #2.
In His service,
Gil Stieglitz
P.S. Get Breakfast with Solomon, a daily wisdom journey through the Proverbs, by signing up HERE!

Newest Book by Gil Stieglitz!
The Lord's Prayer is one of the most common Scriptures in the world. Thousands have memorized this prayer and have no idea they are reciting one of the most powerful keys to intimacy with God and access to His power. Unlock the hidden keys to ignite God's power here and now and watch your spiritual life explode to a whole new level.
Join Dr. Gil Stieglitz in Getting God to Talk Back, as he explains how Jesus teaches a whole new way of approaching and dialoguing with God about the things in life that matter to Him most as we live for Him. Includes a verse-by-verse analysis of Matthew 6:9-13, prayer exercises, and practical applications to help readers progress on their spiritual journey.
We all want to experience unimaginable blessings and God's power in our lives--this is where it all begins.Talk with God about the things that matter to Him, and He will talk back.