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Two Hour Seminar,, grocery stores? Many single adults wrestle with the best ways to meet someone and how to maintain and healthy relationship, especially when romance is involved. We will discuss some of the most common mistakes people make and some of the most important things one can do to make sure a relationship starts and ends in a God-honoring way. Our goal is to help you understand and implement some good boundaries and make some good choices so that all your relationship can grow into what they should be.

PTLB Coach - Pastor Michael Baggett


Michael has led and developed single adult ministries since 1993 including the thriving singles ministry at Bayside Church in Granite Bay, California that began with his arrival in 2004.


Being married later in life, his personal experience, passion for single adults and commitment to Biblical living have helped him to identify with and disciple single adults very effectively. With a primary gift of leadership, Michael enjoys developing people and has a fresh, authentic style of teaching that relates well to others who have experienced life in the real world.

Ministry Development and Coaching


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