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Ministry Development and Coaching


PTLB Coach - Pastor Michael Baggett


Michael has led and developed single adult ministries since 1993 including the thriving singles ministry at Bayside Church in Granite Bay, California that began with his arrival in 2004.


Being married later in life, his personal experience, passion for single adults and commitment to Biblical living have helped him to identify with and disciple single adults very effectively. With a primary gift of leadership, Michael enjoys developing people and has a fresh, authentic style of teaching that relates well to others who have experienced life in the real world.

For Single Adults

12 Week Series - Recommended fee: $25 per track


This interactive series kills drama and gives single adults a Biblical perspective on friendships, relationships, and marriage. It helps to break the cycle of dysfunctional dating so prevalent in our culture. Taught while people are in groups around tables, this series also serves to create healthy community and even small groups. Over the last 3 years these life-giving concepts have helped over 1000 single adults develop God-honoring relationships, at home, at work and at church.


Michael Baggett teaches with humor, vulnerability and honesty in a way that connects well with all ages and all life experiences.


Relationship Essentials 101

Developing Healthy Male/Female Friendships

  • Self Evaluation and Self Awareness

  • Practicing Relational Intelligence

  • Developing Healthy Personal Boundaries

  • Flirting and Friendship


Relationship Essentials 201

Confrontation and Conflict Resolution

  • Conflict Prevention, Establishing Healthy Expectations

  • Escalation Prevention, Managing Past Experiences for Future Influence

  • Confrontation, The Choice for a Deeper Relationship

  • Communication, Speaking Up… with Grace And Truth


Relationship Essentials 301

Future Romance and How to Make It Last

  • Enchantment to Fulfillment: The Stages and Progression of Healthy Romantic Relationships

  • Intimacy and Boundaries: Moving Forward: Avoiding Heartache and Building Trust

  • Two of a Kind: What Really Matters… in the Long Run

  • The Engaged Relationship: Maintaining Self Care and Input from Others

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